However, he is weak at close range and has little power in a direct firefight, so he should always try to stay away from close combat as he has a huge advantage over all other classes from a distance, assisting his team by taking down enemies from afar and dealing with key targets.Īrmed with: Crowbar (a Joke Weapon that should be disregarded), Sniper Rifle (the Sniper's bread and butter, and what you will have to become one with to be a effective Sniper), Automatic Rifle (can be pulled out to deal with an ambusher with its high rate of fire and decent damage but uses the same ammo as the Sniper Rifle), Nailgun (Only useful if you're out of rifle bullets or are trying to conserve them), Hand Grenade (useful to taking down an enemy Scout or Spy trying to kill you or as a distraction against a stronger enemy while you run) His legendary Sniper Rifle is capable of headshotting and charging up for strong bodyshots, both of which can be a One-Hit Kill to even the Heavy with a Medic backing him up. Identifiable via his desert camouflage suit, grass camouflage headgear, colored stripes and boots, the Sniper is the one class you never want to be in the sights of.
#Team fortress classic yellow team how to
Lethal Joke Character: However, if you learn how to use to circle-strafe and use Concussion Grenades, he can be a damn useful flag runner and offensive support.Joke Character: In the hands of an inexperienced player, he is next to useless, as his weak weapons and fragility put him at a major disadvantage that his speed can't compensate for.Interface Screw: Via his Concussion Grenades, which can mess with the other player's movement or aim, depending on the version.Heroic Mime: Like the rest of his teammates, he only ever says "Medic!" and "Excuse me, I'm in need of medical attention!", as well as a few grunts.

Fragile Speedster: Even more so than his Team Fortress 2 successor.Designated Point Man: His speed makes him the best first choice to, well, scout the enemy lines for the team.Cut the Fuse: He can disable an enemy Demoman's Detpack by just touching it.Cherry Tapping: His main method of attacking if he's not finishing off an enemy already injured by a teammate.However, he is mainly built for flag running and as such all his weapons are built around self-defense if necessary and are more annoying than threatening, so a Scout's main purpose to rush past a enemy defense and bag the flag rather than partaking in a charge.Īrmed with: Crowbar (a Joke Weapon that should be disregarded, although the Scout can use it a bit more effectively with his speed), Single-Barrel Shotgun (good damage and effective at long-range, but not powerful to kill most enemies who aren't badly wounded and need to be finished off), Nailgun (Only useful if you're good at circle-strafing, where it can quickly tear most enemies to pieces, or if used against a Sentry Gun), Caltrops (cuts a enemy's speed in half and deals a little damage when dropped on the floor), Concussion Grenades (can be used to send you flying into the air or to disorientate a enemy pursuing you, or can be used to simply annoy enemies by dropping one into their spawn) While he may not be the most durable of the mercs, he compensates by his unique ability to instantly locate the flag on any CTF map with the push of a button, can disable a Spy's disguise or a Demoman's Detpack at a touch, and can use unique Caltrops and Concussion Grenades to hamper and slow a enemy. Identifiable via his camouflage suit, boots, gloves, radio cap and visor, the Scout is the Fragile Speedster of the team, able to move at awesome speed via his enhanced running, bunnyhopping and Concussion Jumps.