Using the Simple DoF Calculator you can calculate the required f-number to achieve the necessary depth of field easily and quickly. Lenses typically have their sharpest aperture between f/5.6 – f/8. Stopping your aperture down to f/22 or even higher is counterproductive because diffraction at high f-numbers reduces sharpness. In landscape photography you usually work with great depth of field and thus ideally hyperfocal.
The app runs on the iPad and there is a free version for Mac / PC too. It is also possible to forecast the sunrise above a mountain peak and the shadow length of a building at a defined time. With the program you can find out the times of sunrise / sunset, moonrise / moonset, show the courses and elevation of the sun and moon as well as the times of Twilight (the “blue hour”) anywhere in the world at any given time. 1 in the area of planning apps for landscape photography and a must on any smartphone. The Photographer’s Ephemeris is the absolute No. A click on the icon links to the appropriate iTunes (Germany) page. In this article I am presenting some interesting apps that I use regularly on my smartphone and recommend any ambitious landscape photographers to test. I am not referring to the built-in camera but available programs that can be helpful in scheduling landscape shots. This portable pocket computer does next to the communication over the Internet use also excellent for photographic purposes. The smartphone has won its victory against the conventional mobile phones and almost every (at least technically inclined) Photographer is wearing such a device today.